Pew Arrangement
Regardless of 'usual' arrangement, things should always go back exactly where we found it.
Sanctuary Portable Pew Arrangement
Each section has a color associated with it.
The designation of the color is on the leg of the front of the leg on the fixed pew.
There are 4 sections designated, and the sections are: Red, White, Blue and Green.
The Red, White and Blue sections have 3 rows of portable seating that go in front of the fixed pews. Row number starts with 2, not 1. The 1st row is only used special times of the year. Row number starts at the front towards the altar with 4 being closest to the fixed sections.
Each of these section rows will have an arm on each end of the row. The portable pieces have a designation of color, row and seat number attached to the back left leg.
The Rows should align fairly well along the aisles on each side if the appropriate pieces are in proper sequence. The exception is there are 2 locations for handicapped seating on each side of the center aisle.
These are readily identified because the tags for the row will only designate 2 seating sections rather than 3 or 4, and each piece will have an arm.
The GREEN section has 2 rows at the front of the fixed pews.
Chart follows: